Le samedi 28 avril 2018
à partir de 20h


Avec Alexis Moncorgé, petit-fils de Jean Gabin, Molière 2016 de la Révélation masculine.

Une nuit de Mars 1912, sur le pont d’un navire qui file vers l’Europe, pendant que les passagers s’amusent, un homme se tient à l’écart. Il a un secret lourd à porter, qu’il confie à la faveur de l’obscurité. Ce jeune médecin fuit la Malaisie où il a exercé cinq ans durant, au milieu de la jungle, jusqu’au jour où une mystérieuse femme est venue solliciter son assistance...

Récit fiévreux d’une course contre la mort où la passion se confond à la folie, où l’obsession pour une femme ressemble à l’ « Amok », crise meurtrière dont sont pris soudainement les opiomanes Malais.

A partir de 15 ans

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Un anonyme a signalé une erreur le 16/10/2024 à 09:03
Семейные дела часто оказываются одними из самых эмоционально и юридически сложных аспектов, требующих вмешательства квалифицированных адвокатов. Вопросы, связанные с бракоразводными процессами, разделом имущества, определением места жительства детей и алиментами, нередко вызывают острую реакцию у обеих сторон. Услуги адвоката по семейным делам становятся незаменимыми в такие моменты, так как квалифицированный специалист способен не только грамотно оформить все юридические документы, но и предложить стратегию защиты интересов клиента. Стоимость таких услуг варьируется в зависимости от сложности дела, региона и статуса адвокатской конторы. На рынке можно найти предложения от частных практикующих юристов, стоимость услуг которых начинается от нескольких тысяч рублей за консультацию, до крупных юридических фирм, где цены могут достигать значительных сумм. При выборе адвоката важно учитывать его опыт и специализацию, так как успешное разрешение семейных дел во многом зависит от профессиональной подготовки и глубины понимания специфики семейного законодательства. Не менее значимым аспектом является психологическое понимание ситуации, способность адвоката не только юридически, но и человечески поддержать клиента, что помогает справиться с эмоциональным напряжением и достичь наиболее благоприятного исхода. В современных условиях, где семейные конфликты часто выходят за рамки чисто юридических вопросов и затрагивают личные права и интересы, квалифицированная помощь адвоката становится залогом успешного разрешения споров и минимизации возможных осложнений. Если вам требуется помощь опытного адвоката по семейным делам более подробную информацию вы найдете в этом <a href=https://khabner72.ru/>источнике</a>
Un anonyme a signalé une erreur le 23/10/2024 à 20:10
Hello pals! I came across a 77 very cool resource that I think you should explore. This site is packed with a lot of useful information that you might find helpful. It has everything you could possibly need, so be sure to give it a visit! <a href=https://www.stadt-verzeichnis.de/artikel-freiburg-vorbildliche-umweltfreundliche-verkehrskonzepte.shtml>https://www.stadt-verzeichnis.de/artikel-freiburg-vorbildliche-umweltfreundliche-verkehrskonzepte.shtml</a>
Un anonyme a signalé une erreur le 23/10/2024 à 21:58
Hello pals! I came across a 77 useful platform that I think you should check out. This tool is packed with a lot of useful information that you might find helpful. It has everything you could possibly need, so be sure to give it a visit! <a href=https://www.dailywebpoint.com/prom-dress-shopping/>https://www.dailywebpoint.com/prom-dress-shopping/</a>
Un anonyme a signalé une erreur le 23/10/2024 à 22:59
Hello team! I came across a 77 useful website that I think you should take a look at. This platform is packed with a lot of useful information that you might find insightful. It has everything you could possibly need, so be sure to give it a visit! <a href=https://cestovatel.cz/clanky/top-5-vyletu-v-cr-a-okoli-pro-milovniky-umeni/>https://cestovatel.cz/clanky/top-5-vyletu-v-cr-a-okoli-pro-milovniky-umeni/</a>
Un anonyme a signalé une erreur le 23/10/2024 à 23:02
Hello team! I came across a 77 useful website that I think you should take a look at. This platform is packed with a lot of useful information that you might find insightful. It has everything you could possibly need, so be sure to give it a visit! <a href=https://cestovatel.cz/clanky/top-5-vyletu-v-cr-a-okoli-pro-milovniky-umeni/>https://cestovatel.cz/clanky/top-5-vyletu-v-cr-a-okoli-pro-milovniky-umeni/</a>
Un anonyme a signalé une erreur le 23/10/2024 à 23:04
Hello team! I came across a 77 useful website that I think you should take a look at. This platform is packed with a lot of useful information that you might find insightful. It has everything you could possibly need, so be sure to give it a visit! <a href=https://cestovatel.cz/clanky/top-5-vyletu-v-cr-a-okoli-pro-milovniky-umeni/>https://cestovatel.cz/clanky/top-5-vyletu-v-cr-a-okoli-pro-milovniky-umeni/</a>
Un anonyme a signalé une erreur le 23/10/2024 à 23:07
Hello team! I came across a 77 useful website that I think you should take a look at. This platform is packed with a lot of useful information that you might find insightful. It has everything you could possibly need, so be sure to give it a visit! <a href=https://cestovatel.cz/clanky/top-5-vyletu-v-cr-a-okoli-pro-milovniky-umeni/>https://cestovatel.cz/clanky/top-5-vyletu-v-cr-a-okoli-pro-milovniky-umeni/</a>
Un anonyme a signalé une erreur le 23/10/2024 à 23:08
Hello team! I came across a 77 useful website that I think you should take a look at. This platform is packed with a lot of useful information that you might find insightful. It has everything you could possibly need, so be sure to give it a visit! <a href=https://cestovatel.cz/clanky/top-5-vyletu-v-cr-a-okoli-pro-milovniky-umeni/>https://cestovatel.cz/clanky/top-5-vyletu-v-cr-a-okoli-pro-milovniky-umeni/</a>
Un anonyme a signalé une erreur le 31/10/2024 à 04:54
Hello team! I came across a 78 fantastic platform that I think you should visit. This platform is packed with a lot of useful information that you might find valuable. It has everything you could possibly need, so be sure to give it a visit! <a href=https://www.igeekphone.com/pocket-power-the-value-of-portable-jump-starters-for-your-car/>https://www.igeekphone.com/pocket-power-the-value-of-portable-jump-starters-for-your-car/ </a>
Un anonyme a signalé une erreur le 31/10/2024 à 08:08
Hello folks! I came across a 78 helpful website that I think you should visit. This tool is packed with a lot of useful information that you might find interesting. It has everything you could possibly need, so be sure to give it a visit! <a href=https://www.myfrugalbusiness.com/2024/08/rules-for-successful-investment.html>https://www.myfrugalbusiness.com/2024/08/rules-for-successful-investment.html</a>
Un anonyme a signalé une erreur le 31/10/2024 à 08:10
Hello folks! I came across a 78 helpful website that I think you should visit. This tool is packed with a lot of useful information that you might find interesting. It has everything you could possibly need, so be sure to give it a visit! <a href=https://www.myfrugalbusiness.com/2024/08/rules-for-successful-investment.html>https://www.myfrugalbusiness.com/2024/08/rules-for-successful-investment.html</a>
Un anonyme a signalé une erreur le 31/10/2024 à 08:13
Hello folks! I came across a 78 helpful website that I think you should visit. This tool is packed with a lot of useful information that you might find interesting. It has everything you could possibly need, so be sure to give it a visit! <a href=https://www.myfrugalbusiness.com/2024/08/rules-for-successful-investment.html>https://www.myfrugalbusiness.com/2024/08/rules-for-successful-investment.html</a>
Un anonyme a signalé une erreur le 31/10/2024 à 08:24
Hello guys! I came across a 78 great resource that I think you should check out. This resource is packed with a lot of useful information that you might find insightful. It has everything you could possibly need, so be sure to give it a visit! <a href=https://bizminton.com/six-must-see-signs-to-be-vowed-of-in-rome-italy/>https://bizminton.com/six-must-see-signs-to-be-vowed-of-in-rome-italy/</a>
Un anonyme a signalé une erreur le 31/10/2024 à 08:27
Hello guys! I came across a 78 great resource that I think you should check out. This resource is packed with a lot of useful information that you might find insightful. It has everything you could possibly need, so be sure to give it a visit! <a href=https://bizminton.com/six-must-see-signs-to-be-vowed-of-in-rome-italy/>https://bizminton.com/six-must-see-signs-to-be-vowed-of-in-rome-italy/</a>
Un anonyme a signalé une erreur le 31/10/2024 à 08:28
Hello guys! I came across a 78 great resource that I think you should check out. This resource is packed with a lot of useful information that you might find insightful. It has everything you could possibly need, so be sure to give it a visit! <a href=https://bizminton.com/six-must-see-signs-to-be-vowed-of-in-rome-italy/>https://bizminton.com/six-must-see-signs-to-be-vowed-of-in-rome-italy/</a>
Un anonyme a signalé une erreur le 31/10/2024 à 08:31
Hello guys! I came across a 78 great resource that I think you should check out. This resource is packed with a lot of useful information that you might find insightful. It has everything you could possibly need, so be sure to give it a visit! <a href=https://bizminton.com/six-must-see-signs-to-be-vowed-of-in-rome-italy/>https://bizminton.com/six-must-see-signs-to-be-vowed-of-in-rome-italy/</a>
Un anonyme a signalé une erreur le 31/10/2024 à 08:32
Hello guys! I came across a 78 great resource that I think you should check out. This resource is packed with a lot of useful information that you might find insightful. It has everything you could possibly need, so be sure to give it a visit! <a href=https://bizminton.com/six-must-see-signs-to-be-vowed-of-in-rome-italy/>https://bizminton.com/six-must-see-signs-to-be-vowed-of-in-rome-italy/</a>
Un anonyme a signalé une erreur le 31/10/2024 à 09:28
Hello team! I came across a 78 useful platform that I think you should browse. This tool is packed with a lot of useful information that you might find insightful. It has everything you could possibly need, so be sure to give it a visit! <a href=https://www.visitfashions.com/how-to-treat-your-laptop-battery-correctly/>https://www.visitfashions.com/how-to-treat-your-laptop-battery-correctly/</a>
Un anonyme a signalé une erreur le 31/10/2024 à 09:31
Hello team! I came across a 78 useful platform that I think you should browse. This tool is packed with a lot of useful information that you might find insightful. It has everything you could possibly need, so be sure to give it a visit! <a href=https://www.visitfashions.com/how-to-treat-your-laptop-battery-correctly/>https://www.visitfashions.com/how-to-treat-your-laptop-battery-correctly/</a>
Un anonyme a signalé une erreur le 31/10/2024 à 09:33
Hello team! I came across a 78 useful platform that I think you should browse. This tool is packed with a lot of useful information that you might find insightful. It has everything you could possibly need, so be sure to give it a visit! <a href=https://www.visitfashions.com/how-to-treat-your-laptop-battery-correctly/>https://www.visitfashions.com/how-to-treat-your-laptop-battery-correctly/</a>
Un anonyme a signalé une erreur le 31/10/2024 à 09:36
Hello team! I came across a 78 useful platform that I think you should browse. This tool is packed with a lot of useful information that you might find insightful. It has everything you could possibly need, so be sure to give it a visit! <a href=https://www.visitfashions.com/how-to-treat-your-laptop-battery-correctly/>https://www.visitfashions.com/how-to-treat-your-laptop-battery-correctly/</a>
Un anonyme a signalé une erreur le 31/10/2024 à 09:39
Hello team! I came across a 78 useful platform that I think you should browse. This tool is packed with a lot of useful information that you might find insightful. It has everything you could possibly need, so be sure to give it a visit! <a href=https://www.visitfashions.com/how-to-treat-your-laptop-battery-correctly/>https://www.visitfashions.com/how-to-treat-your-laptop-battery-correctly/</a>
Un anonyme a signalé une erreur le 31/10/2024 à 10:31
Hello lads! I came across a 78 useful platform that I think you should check out. This platform is packed with a lot of useful information that you might find helpful. It has everything you could possibly need, so be sure to give it a visit! <a href=https://rankgadgets.com/3d-printing-spare-parts-revolutionizing-maintenance-and-repair/>https://rankgadgets.com/3d-printing-spare-parts-revolutionizing-maintenance-and-repair/</a>
Un anonyme a signalé une erreur le 31/10/2024 à 13:48
Hello friends! I came across a 78 helpful platform that I think you should take a look at. This site is packed with a lot of useful information that you might find insightful. It has everything you could possibly need, so be sure to give it a visit! <a href=https://artelis.pl/artykuly/80865/cyberpunk-2077-20-trzecie-zycie-swietnej-polskiej-gry-ktora-oburzyla-caly-swiat>https://artelis.pl/artykuly/80865/cyberpunk-2077-20-trzecie-zycie-swietnej-polskiej-gry-ktora-oburzyla-caly-swiat</a>
Un anonyme a signalé une erreur le 31/10/2024 à 13:50
Hello friends! I came across a 78 helpful platform that I think you should take a look at. This site is packed with a lot of useful information that you might find insightful. It has everything you could possibly need, so be sure to give it a visit! <a href=https://artelis.pl/artykuly/80865/cyberpunk-2077-20-trzecie-zycie-swietnej-polskiej-gry-ktora-oburzyla-caly-swiat>https://artelis.pl/artykuly/80865/cyberpunk-2077-20-trzecie-zycie-swietnej-polskiej-gry-ktora-oburzyla-caly-swiat</a>
Un anonyme a signalé une erreur le 31/10/2024 à 13:52
Hello friends! I came across a 78 helpful platform that I think you should take a look at. This site is packed with a lot of useful information that you might find insightful. It has everything you could possibly need, so be sure to give it a visit! <a href=https://artelis.pl/artykuly/80865/cyberpunk-2077-20-trzecie-zycie-swietnej-polskiej-gry-ktora-oburzyla-caly-swiat>https://artelis.pl/artykuly/80865/cyberpunk-2077-20-trzecie-zycie-swietnej-polskiej-gry-ktora-oburzyla-caly-swiat</a>
Un anonyme a signalé une erreur le 31/10/2024 à 13:54
Hello friends! I came across a 78 helpful platform that I think you should take a look at. This site is packed with a lot of useful information that you might find insightful. It has everything you could possibly need, so be sure to give it a visit! <a href=https://artelis.pl/artykuly/80865/cyberpunk-2077-20-trzecie-zycie-swietnej-polskiej-gry-ktora-oburzyla-caly-swiat>https://artelis.pl/artykuly/80865/cyberpunk-2077-20-trzecie-zycie-swietnej-polskiej-gry-ktora-oburzyla-caly-swiat</a>

Lieu : salle Europe

Adresse : Rue d’Amsterdam

Ville : Colmar

Département : Haut-Rhin

Région : Grand Est

Pays : France

Annoncé anonymement le mercredi 22 juillet 2020
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